This is also a month of Rosy Business - the TVB hit serial of the moment - starring Wayne Lai and Shereen Tang. Two TV serials veteran who should hit it big this year in the TVB awards ceremony, I hope.

There are supposed to be 2 hit movies for the month: Transformer and Harry Potter. But I gave both a miss. It was so difficult to get a ticket for the former, that when tickets are more easily available later, I lost the interest and the novelty to watch. As for the latter, since my movie kaki got a free ticket to watch and I don't normally watch a movie alone (except if it is incredibly good), I gave this a pass too. Morever, my movie kaki commented that it was long and boring. So TVB series seems to be a better option to pass my nights.
Starting from next month, Tuesday nights will never be the same again. Since I moved to True Fitness, Tuesday routine has been free weights and then Body Combat class from 8-9pm. But since about 6 months ago, I cancelled off the Combat class after the weights. After gym, I'll take-away a Subway sandwich and dashed home for shower to get ready for 2 interesting 'woman' TV series on 8TV.
The two are 'Ugly Betty' and 'Desperate Housewives'. For those couch potatoes, these 2 series should need no introduction. Even for those who don't watch TV that regular, should have heard of both.
What I like of Ugly Betty? Sometimes, it is difficult to apprehend a girl like Betty Suarez can be noticed in corporate New York City. This series, I think, tries to tell that inner beauty works. I can't even imagine it happens in KL, let alone the Big Apple. And that relationship between Betty Suarez and her boss, Daniel Meade, seems too real to be true. But then, this is what I like about this serial. And the supporting cast - Amanda (my favourite dumb blonde), Mark, Willy (Wilhe... something), Hilda, Claire - are really fantastic.

I can't figure out how the American TV put Desperate Housewives in the Comedy category in their award shows. This more a drama than a sit-com to me. The best part of the hour long show is actually the narration at the end of each episode. It summarized the message and the moral of the story that each episode tries to convey. It is mostly about the behaviour, character and moral of the people around.

Both series ended their current season last Tuesday, 21 July 2009. Till the next season.
Hopefully, August could be more exciting. Looking forward to the Biolife hunt on Sunday. Too bad the Walk KL hunt on Saturday was postponed. Otherwise, it will be 2-days back-to-back hunt. Haven't tried for a very long time. And I am looking forward to the Michael Hui Talk Show at Genting the following week. Yup, tomorrow will be better!!!