A romantic comedy using an old formula. But nevertheless entertaining.

Sandra Bullock - I think she is fantastic. She don't have to resort to silly lines for the comedic effect. Her acting, expression is good enough to tickle my funny bones. And she is good. I remember her best in the 'Speed' series, but she shines too in comedy. Well done, Sandra. Incidentally, this is her first No.1 movie in 10 years.
Alaska - When I first knew that they have a Governor for Alaska, because of Sarah Palin, I have always wondered why. No doubt Alaska is a big state, but my impression is that the whole state is covered with snow everywhere. And nothing more than a snow-covered state. How wrong was I. The shooting was probably during the hotter months of the year, maybe summer. And it shows a very beautiful and scenic Alaska. The midnight sun reminded me of Bergen, Norway where I was holidaying in Year 2001.
Betty White - My favourite Golden Girls. I actually thought that she had passed away, but fortunately no. At 87, she is still elegant. And she still shines as a comedy actress. Way to go, Girl!!
My rating: 3 of 5
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